Flat Blogging Element Collection

Hello there, bloggers and designers! We’ve got something exclusively for you this time.
Designed by Freepik.com, we have a colorful Flat Blogging Element Collection containing more than 50 designing elements that can add a unique touch to your Blogs. The collection comes in AI, EPS and JPG formats and can be handy for every designer out there.

You can download this collection by following the link at the end of this post.

License: You are free to use for personal or commercial purposes, to share of to modify it. In exchange, its necessary to credit the original creation: “designed by Freepik.com”

Free Blogging Element Vectors

Flat Blogging Element Collection
Thank You freepik.com – A landmark in the world of free resources for designers. Its growing steadily and adding daily hundreds of vectors, illustrations and free photos.
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